The Global Voice of Pilots | IFALPA





The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) is extremely concerned
about the ongoing security issues faced by commercial aircraft and crews operating in the Papua Region of Indonesia, as reported by its local Member Association, Ikatan Pilot Indonesia

On 9 January 2023, local militants fired bullets at a cargo plane landing at Oksibil Airport, which
resulted in a go around and a diversion.

One month later, on 7 February, a New Zealand pilot was taken hostage by separatist fighters in
the same Region, after landing in the district of Nduga.

This situation is not new, although it has deteriorated greatly in recent months.

The whole Papua Region was already once categorized as a “high security risk area” by the Indonesian

Attacks by local insurgents are common, especially in the mountains and remote areas.

Armed groups have been targeting aircraft, crews, and aerodrome infrastructure in an
attempt to isolate the Region, draw attention to themselves, send terror messages, and force
the Government to recognize the independence of the province of West Papua.

Efforts by the Government to get the situation under control have, so far, not been successful.

Ikatan Pilot Indonesia has been working closely with the Indonesian Air Force to ensure the
security of aerodromes in the Region, but this is proving extremely challenging.

IFALPA urges the Indonesian Government to take all necessary steps to support IPI’s initiatives.

In addition, though major operators have already stopped flying into the mountainous and
remote Papua Region, IFALPA strongly advises crews still operating there to take extra security
precautions, carefully assess the risk for every flight, and limit time spent on the ground.





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