ICAO Condemns DPRK Missile launches

Carlos Solazar,ICAO Secretary General
During a meeting of its 226th session, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council condemned the continuation of unannounced missiles being launched by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). ICAO noted that the action of the Democratic People Republic of Korea continue to pose a serious safety risk to international civil aviation, and also in defiance of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1718, 2270 and 2321. The Council again urged the State to act in accordance with and respect for the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and to comply with applicable ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). The Governing Body of ICAO, comprised diplomatic representatives from 36 ICAO Member States, also reiterated that the UN agency’s Secretariat should avoid all technical activities with the DPRK of a direct or indirect nature. The Council requested the Secretariat to continue to actively monitor the situation and to report any developments. The Council further decided to submit this matter to all ICAO Member States at the 41st Session of the ICAO Assembly to convene in September this year, for their consideration in accordance with Article 54 k) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. |