The Global Voice of Pilots | IFALPA

The MANPADS (Man-Portable Air Defence Systems) threat is not a new one for civil


Since 1975, more than 60 civilian aircraft have been hit by MANPADS, causing
28 accidents and more than 1,000 deaths around the world (RAND Group 2019).


There was a MANPADS attack in 2003 over Baghdad Airport, Iraq, against a DHL Airbus


The crew did an outstanding job landing their disabled aircraft after the left wing
was hit by a shoulder launched SA-7 surface-to-air missile, one of the so-called “first
generation MANPADS”.


These types of attacks on commercial aircraft have occurred mostly in conflict zones,
one notable exception being the attack against an Arkia Israeli Airlines B757 whilst
departing Mombasa, Kenya, in 2002.


Two SA-7 missiles were launched at the aircraft,
and both failed to hit their target.


Although the vast majority of MANPADS are kept securely in State-owned facilities, it is
estimated that several thousands of MANPADS are in the hands of non-State actors,
having been acquired by tactics such as illicit transfer, black market purchase, or theft.


Most components of MANPADS have a long shelf life.
MANPADS are portable by the human body, light and small. In general, they carry
approximately less than 3kg of explosives and can operate up to an altitude of 26,000ft.


Most have a short flight time before they are armed, meaning they are not a close-
proximity weapon.



In terms of detonation, most systems have a proximity sensor
causing the warhead to explode and scatter shrapnel over a wider area when
approaching the target. However, next generation systems can also track a laser to
target or are even flown using virtual reality (VR).



Military operators have tried to enhance aircraft-fitted systems to counter ground-and
air-launched weapons. However, most Civilian operators do not carry that same counter
capability and protection.


In addition, MANPADS development has largely focussed on
defeating these countermeasures, ensuring the warhead remains on target.


IFALPA believes that preventing the proliferation of MANPADS is the most effective


States should continue to develop relevant policies, control global
exports, and provide transparency as to where the weapons systems are sold or



National Agencies should share information on the presence and availability

• The MANPADS threat is a continuing concern, even outside conflict zones.
• Prevention of MANPADS proliferation is the most effective countermeasure.




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